Friday, May 25, 2012

Episode 28 - We Let James Take Over

This week JamesKryack takes over the podcast while ActionMan's out. We talk Michael Bay's Explosions, RvB Season 10, and Jame's unhealthy obsession with internet celebrities. (Billy_mays, littledogs13, and Newbs 28 co-host; special guests Panacamanana, solaquin, and halodudette).

Friday, May 18, 2012

Episode 27 - We Get Cut Short

This week we're joined by two guests (writer Chris O'Brien and artist Amy T. Falcone of citation_needed) to talk web comics, funny words, and music. (warpek and billy_mays co-host)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bonus - Buttman: Origins

Everything you never wanted to know about Manwhore #2.

Episode 25 - We're Just Happy To Be Here

This week we're joined by, new host, Warpek to talk Community, Pokemon memes, and hardcore pornography. (JamesKryack and DaCuban co-host)