Monday, March 26, 2012

(Bonus) After Hours 3

Sometimes, when we stop recording but we have more to talk about, we do the only logical thing left to do. We immediately start recording again. This is what happens when everything goes and everyone is invited.

Episode 23 - We Get A Great Group

This week we're joined by KempoB and SailorTweek to talk Hunger Games (spoiler free), funny job stories, and more. (Newbs, JamesKryack, and DaCuban co-host).

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Episode 22: We Get Crowded

This week we're joined by Glowden to talk dinosaurs, Mass Effect 3, and some Newbs lovin'.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

(Bonus) After Hours 2

Sometimes, when the conversation's good, we pick up right where we left off after the podcast and call it Weekly Speak After Hours. This time we're joined by Billy_Mays, Warpek, FThreat, Panacamana, and Gumber to talk about f**king.

Episode 21: We Crack Open A Cold One

This week we're joined by Billy_Mays, Warpek, and FThreat to kick off our month of awesome and to talk natural disasters, hipsters, and site changes.