Saturday, December 31, 2011

Episode 13 - We End the Year in Style

This week we gather JamesKryack, Newbs28, littledogs13, Saintash, and Toku together to talk Star Wars The Old Republic, the new year, the Weekly Speak Award winners, and we answer some listener questions.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Episode 12 - We Celebrate the Holidays

This week we talk how we've been, holiday plans, and holiday memories. (Toku, DaCuban, and SaintAsh co-host. Linxxon fills in as researcher)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Episode 11 - We Go Blawnd

This week we're joined by Rooster Teeth Community Manager Barbara (Blawndee) to discuss Rooster Teeth, community events, and holiday plans. (JamesKryack and Newbs28 co-host).

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Episode 10 - We Talk Awards

This week we're joined by podcaster, InternetDave to talk about the Video Game Awards, the Weekly Speak Awards, and other ramblings. (Toku and DaCuban co-host. Glowden fills in for IdiotAmerica. Special appearance by Warpek.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Episode 9 - We Put Out An Episode (Against All Odds)

This week we're joined by the great Glowden to talk about Germany, old cartoons, and bad anime dubs. (littledogs13 and SaintAsh co-host)